Archaeological Sites

Archaeological Sites

Alcázar de San Juan has several prehistoric sites outside the purely urban area, such as La Motilla de los Romeros and the Cabaña de las Saladillas site in the surroundings of the lagoons, both from the Bronze Age, or the more recent Chalcolithic and Iberian remains found in the area of Piedrola. In 2014 a Muslim necropolis was discovered here, and in 2015 what appears to be a Roman villa was found.

It also has archaeological remains of the Roman Villa located in the urban center of Alcázar, which can be seen next to the Palace Chapel.

Archaeological sites in Gracia Street (Access to the Palace Chapel)

In the Gracia Street site, remains of civilizations that throughout history inhabited the area that is currently Alcázar de San Juan were discovered….

Bridges and locks of the Grand Priory Canal

Located in the middle of the La Mancha plain, the Gran Prior Canal is one of the most monumental and unknown hydraulic infrastructures of Castilla-La…

Archaeological site of Las Saladillas

Las Saladillas is one of the most interesting Bronze Age archaeological sites in Castilla-La Mancha….

Archaeological site of Piédrola

The Piédrola site is located six kilometers northwest of the town of Alcázar de San Juan. From the topographic point of view, the site extends…